The Theologians Within Us and Among Us

On Thursday morning, Common Ground members participated in the first of several introductory courses that are part of a theological study program called Theology from the Margins.  


On this first day, we were challenged to consider "Who is a theologian?"  And, we learned that everyone is a theologian. matter where they come matter what their life experiences...everyone can think about God and God's relation to us and to the world.


We also learned that some theologians believe that those on the margins of society have a privileged perspective when it comes to theology.  Common Ground participants then shared many stories of encountering God amidst homelessness and offered a glimpse into the unique perspective their experiences bring to understanding God's relationship with all people.


We are so grateful for the many groups that have made this program possible.  Funding for the courses came from the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's Innovations in Ministry program.  Space and other resources have been provided by Central Outreach  and by Central Presbyterian Church.  And, we thank Professor Melissa Browning of Columbia Seminary for providing organizational support and hospitality, and Professor Christopher Holmes for providing instruction.
