God's Game Day Huddle

Teams around the world huddle every Sunday, in football season and even when it’s not football season, to answer God’s call to be spiritual athletes.  These teams hold hands; they pray together; they focus together on how to help each other reach God’s goal line…love, kindness, compassion, community. 

Church of the Common Ground is filled with spiritual athletes who know that being an athlete means sometimes facing challenges.  This Super Bowl weekend our spiritual athletes may face more challenges than usual.  Recently, WABE published a story about homelessness and Super Bowl weekend featuring our community.  You can listen to it at the link below. 

As community, as a team, our spiritual athletes will again join hands at 1:00pm on Super Bowl Sunday.  We will huddle up and offer up to God our hopes and prayers…that we will all learn to love each other as God has loved us.