Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?

Each week many volunteers help at our Common Soles non-medical foot clinic.  They wash feet.  They listen.  They pray with others.  They are present for others.  Serving Christ in all persons is not always easy but is our call as community.  Church of the Common Ground is so grateful to the Common Soles volunteers...long time supporters like Lorraine, Peggy, Caroline and Jen, as well as newcomers like Maureen and Murdock.  Bless you!

And, sometimes serving Christ in all persons is making lunches for our volunteers after a hard morning of serving others.  Episcopal Church of the Epiphany prepares lunches for our volunteers every week.  Volunteers gather, pray, and share ideas on how to make our ministry better for all. Thank you Church of the Epiphany!